
Showing posts from December, 2007


As often things go, you sometimes don't notice things that are integral part of your life. Yesterday I was in company with my cousin and his girlfriend and we noticed this weird thing we decided to call HC which stands for hardcore. Basically, its stands for compulsive-obsessive attention to "details" like water drops after washing the dishes, having things clean at all times, not allowing other people to slip up and often venting on them if they make a mistake. Of course like any good HC person I don't consider this things minor details :) The point is, is it a virtue, or is it a problem? Should we vent on other people when they make a mistake, how should we do it? Is it only a symptoms of something much deeper or a better capacity to adapt to harsher conditions of life? Anyhow, on this bright note, if I don't manage to concoct one more blog post for the holidays, I wish you all the best for the New Year 2008 and may all your wishes come true! PS. It won't ha...