
Showing posts from April, 2009

GWT SuggestBoxReloaded

This article will present how to implement a GWT 1.6 (RC2) SuggestBox with backing hidden fields, RPC calls and not query the server on every character event. While integrating GWT on work, I needed to implement a SuggestBox with a backend RPC service but I had some requirements that the default SuggestBox didn't fulfill. Namely, I needed that the suggestion sets hidden fields (ex. displaying a human readable name for the user and setting a hidden id field). The solution presented in GWT SuggestBox backed by DTO Model and the Using the GWT SuggestBox with RPC were very helpful in creating this example project. I advise you to read/implement them before reading further in order to understand the issues. The first article hit the sweet point on how to pass hidden values using the DTO pattern, you can either wrap your hidden fields (Hidden.wrap) or as in this example we'll instantiate them using GWT and add them to the panel. The next issues were following, 1. You need to be abl...