If you love her/him and she/he loves you let me give you an advice although I don't seem to be getting it right. Give as much of youself as you can, and then some more. If you are being fulfilled, there are good chances that she/he is not. So talk with your partner and do your best. Always have a dialouge and don't be afraid to talk about "touchy" arguments. It's something that you both will appreciate and your relationship will be stronger.
SigmaLab's prototype is coming along. Yoghi made a working build where the condivision is being saved to a XML file. I made a prototype of a ID3 tag reader in C# that uses the id3lib COM wrapper, it probably won't be included in the release because COM is a propriatory technology. Is there anyone that has a working ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag reader library written in .NET? If so write on schrepfler AT inwind [dot] it .


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