Yup, it's been an interesting day! It seems that Apple's Senior Vice President Phil Schiller said that Apple will not allow running MacOSX on anything other than an Apple Mac (second page, last sentence). Noooooooooo! I hope they will think this over. I might just buy a copy if they make one available. If I was president of Apple I'd probably attack MS in the OS market. We'd have a solid foundation, there is already a great deal of FreeBSD and Linux code for the various chipsets and extra hardware and MS will require a lot more time to ship a new OS so that creates an opportunity that Apple will either grab now or it will probably not happen again (and will probably be won by Linux). Remember there's a lot of hardware that'll become legacy in the next couple of years!
PS. Did I mention that my first computer was a Apple IIe plus with 2 floppies a thermal printer and a graphic tablet? My dad tells me it had a cost of around 10.000 DM at the time (1980's).
PPS. Today Quicktime 7 Public Preview was released for the Windows platform.


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