Check it out, you can log in to google so it learns what you search for and should become even better with time. Wow, and I thought Google reads my mind already :)
It's pretty interesting how the search business is getting all warmed up (warm? hot!), yahoo now has it's own minimalist search page and so does MS. So... basically what will happen is that in the end search engines will have to deal not only with html (google already does pdf, doc and probably other formats too) but with mp3's, podcasts, images and probably in a ideal future it'll even be expandable with new formats as they come along. Such a unification to search would be especially be cool with indexing features and future storage file systems and is hopefully going to bring back the control into user's hand. My question would however be, even if you can gather and index all this metadata, who will have the time to compile it? I mean it's nice that you can say that a picture was shot in San Francisco during this or that convention and has all these persons on in but heck, the camera won't compile that data for you!!!
I almost fear that it's not a technology problem but a human problem and those shure don't go away easily.


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