I wanted to post a screenshot of Eve. I found out that the best part of it is actually the people that you bump into. The first day was really something. I started with a drone, I passed the tutorial missions, made some 2,4 mil and then zap, I get wasted. So I make some rash mistakes like spending money on equipment I couldn't even use or buying ships that aren't good for what I wanted. So... I being down on budget accept a job to currier putting some 1,2 mil for collateral and I discover that it's 16 jumps away, I go there and find out that the cargo is like 8200 m^3 and my cargo holds 300! And you know what happens? A guy helps me by towing the cargo for me, plus later I get to know even more people on the channels. It sure helps break down my prejudice of MMOG's.


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