We'll it's been an interesting day today. I've been following the Software Engineering II lessons this semester and today we've hit an interesting subject. Loosely coupling elements using the Mediator design pattern but with a twist. Namely putting some artificial intelligence in it using Prolog (with the help of a library developed at my University and the one in Cesena called tuProlog) and using it's knowledge base to wire things. I haven't really thought about this thing but it does look like it offers very interesting opportunities especially in the field of Software Agents.
The other interesting thing is that I've stumbled over the Windows Workflow Foundation video on Channel9 and my immediate thought was BPEL! We had this conference done by IBM and it showed it's SOA vision that had BPEL as one of its founding blocks so I wondered did MS copied IBM or what? Then it comes out that BPEL is the brainchild of both MS and IBM, how weird is that? Anyhow we'll see what will come out of it very soon it seems.


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