
Showing posts from January, 2004
It's 3:07 AM, I am studying for an exam tomorrow/today and my mind suddenly drifted away to ask myself a question. Can an OS be developed, based totally on a runtime such as .Net/mono? Written completely in C# or whatever language supported by the runtime's compilers. How long would it take? How long just to make a functioning GNU-like environment (bash clone, etc..). Should we strive for GNU-like environment, POSIX standards, OpenGL etc...? And how about the graphic environment, hardware acceleration, 3D and the works. How can drivers be programmed in a high-level language like C#? Can a well written kernel core help in this task? I don't have answers to any of these question, if anyone reads my blog, please mail me just to have some feedback. Write to schrepfler AT inwind [dot] it.
My bonsai tree died a month ago. I bought it from a cheap store down the road. It was dying in it, without light and stuffed on a shelf with others of its kind. I managed to grow it with love into full health within a few months (I'll post pictures on my static site in a couple of days). I remember giving it water daily, sitting on the window in the morning breeze, taking the sun. It once popped out 3 green leaves in just one night thanks to an extraordinary warm day this fall. The minty green leaves mingling with the dark ones, peacefully shaking in the air gave me great serenity those days. I advise all to try doing it by yourself, it's a voyage worth taking. Few tips although it's stuff I found out by myself and may be wrong for your kind of bonsai (there are many types, yes, some less famous names are Juniper, Chinese Elm, Hinoki Cypress ecc. more info on Google's top bonsai rank is ). I kept it at first in my room and tried in putting it ...
First of all I'd like to say that I am not a "code guru", I do programming but may not be the best guy to listen to advice :) This last year I've been dabbling with C# working on a network app-framework project with some colleagues of mine. It has been a great experience and I definitely will continue to explore C# as time goes by. I'll give here homage to two features of the .Net platform, the foreach construct and Reflection as used in C#. I'll quote the C# Programming Reference: "The foreach statement repeats a group of embedded statements for each element in an array or an object collection. The foreach statement is used to iterate through the collection to get the desired information, but should not be used to change the contents of the collection to avoid unpredictable side effects." It's usage is simple: foreach (Type variable_name in expression){ stuff } where expression can be either an array, or a SomeClass.GetItem...
My friend Dora had a birthday yesterday. I wish her all best in life, University and everything else :)
I wish to all of you the best in this new year. May the world be a prettier place to live in for all of us. Less hypocrisy, more love and understanding is desired. Hope everybody will have a blast and see you next year ;)