
Showing posts from November, 2003
It was rough. I'm still hearing a constant creeking noise in my ears. Also my writing skills are greatly hit and damadged since I've been hitting backspace too many times for last two lines. Plus my roomate is listening Led Zeppelin right now. I somehow have the feelin', "yeah baby give me the feelin", that I'll turn all this noise off. Hats off to mr. Hell, a little bit crude, I once felt Fisherspooner and other folks but still, he's OK. Or maybe it's the second hand smoke, who knows. In the end I went back home with my pal Dora, and we ate 2 sandwiches, and to hell with diet! I'm off to sleep, tomorrow it's either JSP or SQL, all day long. (Unless I have a hangover)
Saturday, it's going out day. I'm going to Link which is one of the bigger dance halls in Bologna. The guest star is DJ Hell and although I'm not too much into this kind of music, I'd better move my ass from home or else it's gonna get too big :) It's important to get out with your friends even if you diverge with their taste in music. PS. It's important to get out with your loved ones as well, and if you are not the getting-out type, you are going to have troubles, trust me.
It's raining today. Bloody hell, sometimes it's all happening at once. I's like to give a tip to all the guys out there. This is something that many will know all ready and some that might claim that there are many better ways to tidy a shirt but these are my 5 ¢. 1. take the shirt by the soulders. 2. make a quick stroke in order to put the sleaves behind, this moove should be executed in a position a bit retracted from the shoulders. 3. straighten the sleeves so that they are in line with the shirt. 4. fold the shirt. Voila! One shirt ready for the drawer, it's possible to do the same thing having the shirt laid on some surface, this is helpfull if the back-flip does not work.
If you love her/him and she/he loves you let me give you an advice although I don't seem to be getting it right. Give as much of youself as you can, and then some more. If you are being fulfilled, there are good chances that she/he is not. So talk with your partner and do your best. Always have a dialouge and don't be afraid to talk about "touchy" arguments. It's something that you both will appreciate and your relationship will be stronger. SigmaLab's prototype is coming along. Yoghi made a working build where the condivision is being saved to a XML file. I made a prototype of a ID3 tag reader in C# that uses the id3lib COM wrapper, it probably won't be included in the release because COM is a propriatory technology. Is there anyone that has a working ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag reader library written in .NET? If so write on schrepfler AT inwind [dot] it .
I saw Matrix: Revolutions the other week. It nicely ended the saga. At this point in time, I'd say that each of the movies brought new stuff to the cinema. In the beggining the first movie gave us spectacular fight scenes and time freezes, excelent sci-fi story, and "an end that is just the begining". Then some excellent intro in the Matrix with Reloaded, or at least just about enough for everyone to make up his own mind. Then in the end... CG, love and some corny dialogues. I forgive it all! Love triumphs in a really poetic way, although just too abruptly. Weird thing is I saw myself and my girlfriend withing the movie. I can just imagine her coming back from New Zealand, then coming to the train station, and then off the train, just like in the movie. It'll be cool. Love you honey!
I heard that another satiric TV show was cancelled from the state TV Rai these days. One of Italy's best commedian artists Sabina Guzzanti made recently a great show called Rai8t. The show was simply superb and it hurts only the fact that if you like to hear a good critique today one has to look for a comedy show. Too bad that the best get banned or "warned" to mind their words. All this hiding behind excuses that Rai is a public company so that all sides have to be represented. HA! If you like to represent all sides thay can make more good shows with different sides and not copies of the "competition" (read Mediaset) aired in the same timeslots of the respective counterparts! Sabina has a great sense of irony and captured a great number of problems that afflict the Italian society today, plus she finaly showed her own great face (and figure). I'd like to quote Sabina: "We live in curious times", too bad it's a chinese curse. I saw this ...
Me and my pals are starting a web site. It's about promoting of our "p2p" application, written in C#. It's all "work in progress" stuff but if we manage to coordinate university efforts and our project efforts we might just turn some heads. It stared as a project in Software Engineering and in the end we got 30/30. It's not even in alpha so we are estimating around 2 moths of efforts before some release. If someone is interested it's